понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

brain lesion

Oh god, thereapos;s more tennis. This does not bode well for my university work. Although, seriously, Iapos;m not complaining.

Rogerapos;s playing Basel, itapos;s his hometown event so heapos;s very excited Hereapos;s hoping for a 3rd title for you Roger Iapos;m sure Rafa will be around somewhere, keeping you "company".

Stan is already out of Basel, as he lost today. Oh Stan, whatapos;s going on with you man? Indoor hardcourt does not appear to be your strongest phase in the tournament. Tut tut.

Rafaapos;s got a video channel on youtube, itapos;s so cute Thereapos;s a video of some of the Spaniards watching football. Bless them. Although it does reinforce the point that itapos;s just a big old pile of gay in Spain, which I love them for. Thereapos;s so many of them crowded in this little room watching football on a laptop. And Carlos Moya is just there topless. Good times.

Iapos;ve been perusing tennisslash, reading all the Roger stories there, very amusing. Rogerapos;s such a manwhore, and yet he doesnapos;t appear to notice it. Iapos;m just glad Rafa came along to steer him in the right direction. Although Iapos;m kinda liking the biggest man whore of the lot at the moment, Marat Safin. There was a link to a youtube video of him on David Letterman after winning the USO like Rog, and heapos;s just a snarky, alcoholic hot Russian. Very hot.

And Iapos;ve been neglecting my Sean Bean news. His new Sharpe comes out in November on tv Woop And apparently the mini series tv thing of Crusoe he was in aired. Iapos;m gonna have to hunt down some clips of that to see what it was like. But guys, SHARPE God, I love that man/character so much. Heapos;s just so manly and yet so vulnerable. I also like that every female character in the books and tv series falls in love with him. Good times.

Some cat news. Weapos;ve got a cat lodger. Thereapos;s a really cute cat in the stair we live in. We think itapos;s a she, but at first we thought it was a he so we called him Alan. Actually, we thought he was gay because he had a bright pink collar on and yet we still thought he was a boy. So Alan was born and she/he actually seems to suit the name so we didnapos;t bother changing it. Eilidh went out to Uni one morning and he was sitting outside our front door and came running in and strutting around like he owned the place (heapos;d never been inside). We put him outside. Next day heapos;s there again so we invite him in, show him round, pet and tickle him, fight him for our sandwiches, then pop him back out onto the stair again.
This morning he was there again. Eilidh put him out and he sat on the stair looking pissed as she walked off. When I left the house, he must have been like ninja cat and slipped in when I turned to close the door without me seeing him. Four hours later, Eilidh calls me asking me where I am. Iapos;m in the library I reply. How come? Alan, having got into the flat without my knowledge, had then proceeded to rip apart our bin and there was rubbish EVERYWHERE. And when Eilidh came back home he apparently came running to the front door all "hi, how are you, do you live here? I live here. Feed me." Good times. So yeah, weapos;ve got a cat lodger. Or squatter. Iapos;m keeping my eyes peeled for him tomorrow morning. Darn sneaky ninja cat.

Right away to bed early, I skipped the pub quiz after choir, so I can be wide awake tomorrow for the big list of things Iapos;ve got to complete. Oh joy. Catch yapos;all on the flip side.

P.S. Anna, hows things with you? Havenapos;t heard from you in a while I swear Iapos;m writing you a letter. Honest. Itapos;s gone on my list of things to do tomorrow :)

different kind medicine, brain lesion, brain leisions, brain lego storm, brain legions.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

chinese leaders kaishes

We are going to hell in a hand basket with Obama...you are right.� The economy just is not in the right alignment with the stars....to implant an Obama tax and spend government.
I do not believe in hate regarding race though.� If that is the reason one dislikes Obama, then they are not studying the issues, they are just full of hate.
Obama would be bad for the country if he was White or Red or Yellow or Brown.
Black isn't the problem, his policies are.
.....who is now in the fetal position under his bed, praying for McCain.

chinese leaders kaishes, chinese leaders kaisher, chinese leaders kaishen, chinese leaders kaishee.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.


I bought a new video game last night for the Wii.
Batman Legos

I was sucked in immediately.

I was suppose to chat with Jessica (from Rockford) but I just couldnapos;t tear myself away.(My apologies, again.)
It is not often I�get to be in the living room to do as I�please.�

I think I�am coming down with a cold or bug or something.� I woke up with a real guttural cough and now I have extreme pressure in my sinuses.� My floor guy, Alan, he sounds like heapos;s got a demon in his chest, he just recently traveled to Oklahoma and said some woman in front of him on the plane kept hacking up a storm and not covering her mouth.

Okay, now Iapos;m going to start stuffing envelopes again.
adalar, adalante lyrics, adalante high school, adalante austin.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

career info kid

Hey there Schools going well so far. Iapos;m beat from getting up so early everyday though. Tomorrow I gotta go see my orthodontist so he can check my braces. Saturday Iapos;m the back up facilitator for the Kids Sibshop so I gotta be there half an hour early. Sunday I gotta go to my Sunday school class since Iapos;m the teacher assistant. Oh Also tomorrow I have a math test so Iapos;m going to study hard tonight even if it hurts mah brains >O

Iapos;m currently working on my Naruto yaoi doujinshi and my L Halloween/Birthday pic to put in my DA gallery. I got inspired to do my own Naruto yaoi doujinshi from an amazing artist on DA called AnauchihaD. Go check her gallery out if your a Sasunaru fan

Yeahh...Iapos;ve been really tired lately but its weird. Its like a good tired feeling. Not�a bad one. If you kow what I mean then cool beans. There is a job thing that I found at school� so Iapos;m going to look more info up on it and see what it says. I hope I get to eat some munchy candies for Halloween

So till next update

d1770a, career info kid, career info kennel tech, career info job, career info it.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

di malaysia radio stesen

Would it be worth having an "unlikely" mark for a spelling checker? For those occasions when itapos;s entirely possible you did mean "licens (n, ceremonial greek fireplace)"[1], but itapos;s overwhelmingly more likely you meant the common word "license"?

It would have to be visually represented as not requiring you to get rid of it, but merely to draw your attention to it, if thatapos;s possible. On the other hand, you could argue thatapos;s what spelling checkers ought to do anyway, although they are not normally treated like that. At least, "not in dictionary" is a clear judgement, even if the writing is correct (grammar "checkers" results really are all "suggested").

Come to think of it, maybe thereapos;s an uncomfortable parallel with compiler warnings?

[1] Warning, not an actual definition.
[2] I think perhaps the "one-liner" tag, as misleading as it has become, represents the nearest I ever come to a single contained thought, rather than a fifteen interrelated ones.

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bones and raw food diet

So much has happened in such a short period of time.� It feels like forever but itapos;s really only been like a week or two.
Amanda took me to Cirque Du soliel - Dralion IN VIP.� We got to go into tapis rouge, which was filled with amazing gourment foodstuffs and unlimited wine and beer etc.� The show itself was spectacular.� Absolutely dumbfounding.�
Then there was that weirdo chick.� Also quite amazing... Amanda will probably hate me forever for even mentioning her, but she knows Iapos;m drawn to weirdos.� Anyways.� Went to Bamboo, tehn pancakes.

That was Saturday.� Nao ish Thrusday.� Mmmm, yeah.� Moleskineapos;s are getting a massive beating.� Will invest in something leather.
bones and raw food diet, bones and raw food, bones and raw, bones and organs.

среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

add link oahu realtor

Iapos;ve noticed something odd lately driving around my neighborhood. Maybe this is just my perceptions, or maybe the politicians are trying to play mind games. Hereapos;s the deal. Traditionally speaking the media relates the Republicans with the color Red and the Democrats with the color Blue. Makes for all sorts of pretty maps, etc. For some reason Iapos;ve started actually paying attention to the yard signs that are popping up all over. Iapos;ve noticed that the non Federal candidates often will leave off their party affiliation or itapos;s in really small print at the bottom of the sign. But what I find intriguing is that the Republicans have been using blue signs and the Democrats have been using red signs. I wonder if theyapos;re making a psychological play for voters from the other side who may not actually know who the candidates are. Sort of a "Oh that signs red... That must be a republican... Iapos;m a republican... I should vote for this person." Because letapos;s face it, most of the population donapos;t really make informed choices about the candidates or the issues... Especially at the local and state level, they go with gut party affiliation. I know that the party affiliation is listed on the ballot, but again... Itapos;s a name recognition thing. Sorta seems like theyapos;re trying to trick the other party faithful into voting across party lines, but could potentially backfire chasing away their own supporters who donapos;t put 2 and 2 together.

Or am I just reading too much into simple things like color choice?

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