понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

brain lesion

Oh god, thereapos;s more tennis. This does not bode well for my university work. Although, seriously, Iapos;m not complaining.

Rogerapos;s playing Basel, itapos;s his hometown event so heapos;s very excited Hereapos;s hoping for a 3rd title for you Roger Iapos;m sure Rafa will be around somewhere, keeping you "company".

Stan is already out of Basel, as he lost today. Oh Stan, whatapos;s going on with you man? Indoor hardcourt does not appear to be your strongest phase in the tournament. Tut tut.

Rafaapos;s got a video channel on youtube, itapos;s so cute Thereapos;s a video of some of the Spaniards watching football. Bless them. Although it does reinforce the point that itapos;s just a big old pile of gay in Spain, which I love them for. Thereapos;s so many of them crowded in this little room watching football on a laptop. And Carlos Moya is just there topless. Good times.

Iapos;ve been perusing tennisslash, reading all the Roger stories there, very amusing. Rogerapos;s such a manwhore, and yet he doesnapos;t appear to notice it. Iapos;m just glad Rafa came along to steer him in the right direction. Although Iapos;m kinda liking the biggest man whore of the lot at the moment, Marat Safin. There was a link to a youtube video of him on David Letterman after winning the USO like Rog, and heapos;s just a snarky, alcoholic hot Russian. Very hot.

And Iapos;ve been neglecting my Sean Bean news. His new Sharpe comes out in November on tv Woop And apparently the mini series tv thing of Crusoe he was in aired. Iapos;m gonna have to hunt down some clips of that to see what it was like. But guys, SHARPE God, I love that man/character so much. Heapos;s just so manly and yet so vulnerable. I also like that every female character in the books and tv series falls in love with him. Good times.

Some cat news. Weapos;ve got a cat lodger. Thereapos;s a really cute cat in the stair we live in. We think itapos;s a she, but at first we thought it was a he so we called him Alan. Actually, we thought he was gay because he had a bright pink collar on and yet we still thought he was a boy. So Alan was born and she/he actually seems to suit the name so we didnapos;t bother changing it. Eilidh went out to Uni one morning and he was sitting outside our front door and came running in and strutting around like he owned the place (heapos;d never been inside). We put him outside. Next day heapos;s there again so we invite him in, show him round, pet and tickle him, fight him for our sandwiches, then pop him back out onto the stair again.
This morning he was there again. Eilidh put him out and he sat on the stair looking pissed as she walked off. When I left the house, he must have been like ninja cat and slipped in when I turned to close the door without me seeing him. Four hours later, Eilidh calls me asking me where I am. Iapos;m in the library I reply. How come? Alan, having got into the flat without my knowledge, had then proceeded to rip apart our bin and there was rubbish EVERYWHERE. And when Eilidh came back home he apparently came running to the front door all "hi, how are you, do you live here? I live here. Feed me." Good times. So yeah, weapos;ve got a cat lodger. Or squatter. Iapos;m keeping my eyes peeled for him tomorrow morning. Darn sneaky ninja cat.

Right away to bed early, I skipped the pub quiz after choir, so I can be wide awake tomorrow for the big list of things Iapos;ve got to complete. Oh joy. Catch yapos;all on the flip side.

P.S. Anna, hows things with you? Havenapos;t heard from you in a while I swear Iapos;m writing you a letter. Honest. Itapos;s gone on my list of things to do tomorrow :)

different kind medicine, brain lesion, brain leisions, brain lego storm, brain legions.

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